Question about texture memory when importing 3D files

Godot Version 4.3



I’m exporting 3d models from blender and importing them into Godot. I have exported one building in a .glb file, and exported another building in another .glb file. I import both files into the same scene in Godot.

The problem with this is, some of the textures are the same textures used in both buildings. But when I import them into Godot those textures will be treated as seperate textures, thus taking in more texture memory.

My question is: is it really necessary to export all the models into one huge .glb file, or is there another way of solving this that allows the use of different .glb files?

You can save the textures seperately and not export them in the GLB blobs, blender has options to export materials as placeholders for instance.

Can you explain to me how that works? I have no idea what ‘placeholders’ are.

Exporting materials as placeholders is this option in blender

This results in material slots being written with empty/basic materials, so you can fill them in with your own material in Godot, which reduces the file size and lets you add a texture to mutliple materials across models.

Thanks for explaining.