Godot Version
godot 4
I’m working on an fps game and the raycast for my pistol is only registering at a very specific distance to the target
Here’s some print_debugs of the distance when the pistol registered a hit on an enemy:
8, Feet, Distance:0.53268575668335
At: res://Player_Controller/DosPistolasController.gd:64:_shootL()
9, Feet, Distance:0.53268575668335
At: res://Player_Controller/DosPistolasController.gd:64:_shootL()
10, Feet, Distance:0.53268575668335
At: res://Player_Controller/DosPistolasController.gd:64:_shootL()
note the distance to the target is identical for each despite several shots being taken from multiple ranges. it seems damage only registers from this exact distance. more specifically, I can wail on the enemy from anywhere on the map but it only registers if I’m that exact distance away. why?