Godot Version
Hi, I’m trying to make a 3D character (NPC), that is a bit smarter. I’ve made a custom “vision cone” and attached it to the NPC. When the player enters this Area3D, I want to point a RayCast3D at the player every X seconds and tell if there is something in the way. I have implemented everything but I still have one major issue: The ray.look_at(player_position, Vector3.UP)
is not working as I was expecting. It points the ray in another quadrand. I can see it moving, but it’s all wrong, either it has the Y axis inverted or the X axis inverted. I’ve tried to change the value of the UP Vector but I just can’t make this work. I’ve rotatated the player_position
90deg around the X axis and that’s how far i’ve got to success. Now the ray follows the player up and down but not left-right. How can I achieve this type of thing? Am I missing something about the look_at
function? I thought it was straight forward, but it turs out it’s the most difficult thing I’ve had to do.
Here’s the relevant part of my code:
@onready var ray = $VisionRayCast
# .... more code ...
func _on_vision_timer_timeout():
if not playerInVisionField:
# Get the global position of the player
var player_position: Vector3 = player.global_transform.origin
ray.look_at(player_position.rotated(Vector3(1,0,0), deg_to_rad(-90)), Vector3.UP)
if ray.is_colliding():
var collider = ray.get_collider()
if collider.name == "Player" or collider.get_parent_node_3d().name == "Player":
chasePlayer = true