Godot Version
Hello, how do I redirect keyboard input to LineEdit from my script _input function?
I would like to process all key presses and redirect some of them to a LineEdit UI element. Here is what I have so far:
func _input(event):
if event is InputEventKey && event.pressed:
var should_go_to_ui = detect_should_go_to_ui(event)
if !should_go_to_ui:
if event.unicode != 0:
var char = OS.get_keycode_string(event.unicode)
$LineEdit.text += char
elif event.keycode == KEY_BACKSPACE && text.length() > 0:
$LineEdit.text = $LineEdit.text.left(text.length() - 1)
So far I couldn’t figure out how to send a key event to my LineEdit, so I tried to hardcode handling some basic input cases. However, it became quickly apparent that this is not the right approach, because OS.get_keycode_string(event.unicode) returns ‘SPACE’ for spacebar, instead on an actual space character. Going further with this approach will cause my code to grow out of control with all the possible scenarios.
Hopefully you can point me to some built-in feature I am missing, that causes the LineEdit to process a KeyInputEvent on demand, so I don’t have to reinvent a text editor myself.