Reload scene while variable remains the same

Godot Version


at the moment my game works so that when the game is started a random number of objects are spawned when all objects are removed by the player the scene is reloaded so that new objects spawn. but now i want to add a score the problem is that the variable that is responsible for the score is restarted with the scene and the score is again set to 0 everything else works.
So my question is how can i keep the variables the same when the scene is reloaded or how can i re-spawn the objects without reloading the scene.

the code to spawn the objects:

and this is the code for reloding the szene:

make the var a global var so that no matter what scene your in it will always be the same until changed you can do that by making a new script than adding said script to the project autoload

If you want things to happen only once use the _init function.

_ready will be called Everytime you add the node to the tree.

So if you remove and add child, _ready will be called again, but _init will not.

reload_current_scene() will delete the scene and reinitialize it, in this case everything will be lost. I would avoid this function and have a scene manager handle your scene you care about and save the values before reloading the scene.

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