Repackaging textures at build time - what happens exactly?

Godot Version



I’m curious if there’s any reason to worry about the size of a texture sheet that I import into the engine as part or an animation asset. I would prefer using one large texture sheet over several smaller ones. My understanding is that the texture sheet will get repackaged at build time, so it doesn’t really matter either way.

Is there a max size that’s too big for these texture sheets? Are all of these textures going to get combined into massive texture sheets for efficiency at build time? Does it vary based on the platform we’re building for?

Just curious if anyone can shed light on what, if anything, happens to textures at build time when you’re not using mip maps.


The maximum Texture2D size is 16384×16384 pixels due to graphics hardware limitations. But depending on the platform it can vary. If you want to be safe, 2048×2048 for mobile platforms and 4096×4096 for desktop.

Godot does not combine textures automatically.

More information about importing textures here Importing images — Godot Engine (stable) documentation in English