Repeating error about 'Cannot open file from path' even after deleting files

Godot Version



Working off of a tutorial for Godot, I downloaded an asset pack and imported many of the files. 95% of them have imported with no errors, however the output window keeps spamming errors about not being able to open a specific set of .import files for sprites. The sprites in question loaded correctly as far as I can tell, I can literally drag them into the scene and make them into nodes. However the errors keep coming roughly every 30 seconds.

I have tried everything to stop the errors, including deleting the pngs in question (I can create them from a spritesheet included if need be), deleting the .imports, and deleting the entire file folder. I’m brand new to Godot, and this error is driving me mad. How can I make the engine stop repeating the error? I’ll include the output below:

Cannot open file from path ‘res://SunnyLand Music/Sunny Land Collection Files/Sunny Land Collection Files/Assets/Environments/Forest/Forest Enemies Add On Pack/eagle/Sprites/hurt/sprites/hurt1.png.import’.
Cannot open file from path ‘res://SunnyLand Music/Sunny Land Collection Files/Sunny Land Collection Files/Assets/Environments/Forest/Forest Enemies Add On Pack/eagle/Sprites/hurt/sprites/hurt2.png.import’.
Cannot open file from path ‘res://SunnyLand Music/Sunny Land Collection Files/Sunny Land Collection Files/Assets/Environments/Forest/Forest Enemies Add On Pack/eagle/Sprites/hurt/sprites/hurt4.png.import’.
Cannot open file from path ‘res://SunnyLand Music/Sunny Land Collection Files/Sunny Land Collection Files/Assets/Environments/Forest/Forest Enemies Add On Pack/eagle/Sprites/hurt/sprites/hurt3.png.import’.
Cannot open file from path ‘res://SunnyLand Music/Sunny Land Collection Files/Sunny Land Collection Files/Assets/Environments/Forest/Forest Enemies Add On Pack/eagle/Sprites/hurt/sprites/hurt6.png.import’.
Cannot open file from path ‘res://SunnyLand Music/Sunny Land Collection Files/Sunny Land Collection Files/Assets/Environments/Forest/Forest Enemies Add On Pack/eagle/Sprites/hurt/sprites/hurt5.png.import’.
Cannot open file from path ‘res://SunnyLand Music/Sunny Land Collection Files/Sunny Land Collection Files/Assets/Environments/Forest of Illusion/Forest of Illusion Expansion Pack/Layers/middle.png.import’.

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