Resources not found in export

Godot Version



I have a small project with a couple of assets and two scenes.
Everything is working fine when started from the editor.
Once I export as a runnable (for Linux) the project is unable to load.

Running in the terminal I get the following errors:

ERROR: Error opening file 'res://Assets/loading_screen.png'.
   at: load_image (core/io/image_loader.cpp:91)
ERROR: Non-existing or invalid boot splash at 'res://Assets/loading_screen.png'.  Loading default splash.
   at: setup_boot_logo (main/main.cpp:3481)
ERROR: No loader found for resource: res://uid:/coilc820s0pql (expected type: )
   at: _load (core/io/resource_loader.cpp:327)
ERROR: Failed loading scene: res://uid:/coilc820s0pql.
   at: start (main/main.cpp:4214)

It only shows a black screen (not even the default splash) and then simply closes the window.

For the loading screen I tried re-import etc. to no avail.
Even more curious is the problem when loading the scene which clearly has the uid it is looking for:
[gd_scene load_steps=14 format=3 uid="uid://coilc820s0pql"]

The scene it is attempting to load is the main/startup scene, so I don’t think it is something I am doing wrong at runtime?

I have tried various export options in addition to “export all resources” like using “selected” and selecting all of them.
I also removed the .godot folder and let the editor reimport everything.

Now I am out of ideas and help would be very welcome.

Changing run/main_scene="uid://coilc820s0pql" to run/main_scene="res://Scenes/loading.tscn" in project.godot allows it to find and start the scene.
The issue with the splash screen remains.

Changing boot_splash/image="uid://dihp38587fr82" to boot_splash/image="res://Assets/splash_screen.png" resolves the splash screen problem as well.

Why is Godot putting those UIDs into the file if they don’t work at runtime even if the assets are apparently present?
I got it working for now, but manually editing the project file doesn’t sound like the correct approach, so what did I set up incorrectly?

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I believe that the dev version is very unstable and it is not ideal to use it

So this is not something common? Then I should probably open an issue, might be a regression.

I just assumed it was an obvious mistake on my part like not ticking something in Import I should etc. - haven’t worked with Godot a lot so far.

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I mean, the development version of Godot is very unstable, as it is a snapshot version of Godot that is even lower than beta (Something like Alpha version) so don’t expect to work as you expect. The 4.4 version will introduce a bunch of features, so it is much likely that some of the features will involve exporting your game. I believe you should open an issue.

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This is a known bug from this version (see: Exported project fails to start when UID is saved in project settings · Issue #100354 · godotengine/godot · GitHub)


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