RPC 'function_name' on yourself is not allwoed by selected mode

Godot Version



I am trying to do an RPC call but I keep getting this error:
E 0:00:11:0787 multiplayer_manager.gd:55 @ _add_player_to_game(): RPC ‘set_player_name’ on yourself is not allowed by selected mode.

I am trying to call a function on a node in my multiplayer manager. It looks like this:

func _add_player_to_game(id: int):
	print("Player %s joined the game!" % id)
	var player_to_add = multiplayer_scene.instantiate()
	player_to_add.player_id = id
	player_to_add.name = str(id)
	_players_spawn_node.add_child(player_to_add, true)
	player_to_add.set_player_name.rpc_id(id, PLAYER_NAME)

Here is what I’ve got setup on my ‘Player’ character

func set_player_name(new_name:String):
	player_name.text = new_name

I am not entirely sure why I am getting the aforementioned error though.


You are trying to call rpc_id on your own id, which doesnt work. If you want to call on your own id you have to remove the “rpc_id”, since it gets called local anyway

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