Godot Version
We currently have over 30 animations embedded within the player scene, and with multiple team members working on them, merge conflicts frequently arise. To address this, I’m considering saving the animations as separate files to streamline the workflow and reduce conflicts.
However, I’m a bit unsure about what exactly should be saved. When I open the Animation Library, I see two options: saving each animation individually or saving the “Global” (which I assume represents the entire library, not just individual animations).
For example, when I save the Global as animations.res, I notice (via git diff) that all animations are removed from the player scene and consolidated into the Global binary file. If I modify one animation, only the saved Global file is updated. The confusing part is that each animation still appears to have built-in storage in the Animation Library.
Any recommendations on the best approach? Should I save the Global file or save animations individually?
It’s worth noting that I don’t plan to reuse these animations elsewhere—my primary goal is to simplify the development process by reducing the player scene size.