Should 3D joints (or in my case jolt 3d joints) work with XRToolsPickableObjects while the objects are picked up? I had a set of nodes I wanted to rigidly connect to one another other (roughly, I was going to allow some to rotation). The nodes were peers and one of the nodes was pickable . When I picked up the pickable node it didn’t seem my joint connecting it to its peer node had any effect. Is that expected right now ?
I ended up using the solution listed here How to implement a fixed joint in Godot? - #2 by system nesting multiple meshes + collision shapes underneath a single parent pickable object. That will work for me for now but I am curious if joints should be able to be used to attach pickable objects to other rigid or static bodies at this time. If they should, that might be another line of attack for a related issue I’m trying to solve
Sadly I’ve found that to be a dead end and requiring a completely new way of handling tracking in XR. It’s something that I am working on for XR Tools v2 but it poses it own set of unique problems that I’m still trying to solve.
The problem is that when your hand moves, the tracking just gives a new location of your hand. In XR Tools we simply move the hand there. As a result, from the physics simulation point of view, the object was here one moment, and there another, without any knowledge of the forces involved in getting it there. As a result the simulation breaks and the physics engine does not know how to correctly apply those forces through the joints.
We do have the collision hands solutions to check for collisions on the way but it’s character body driven which again means that the movement is done outside of the normal physics simulation, with the physics engine not knowing how to apply that movement through joints.