I have been having significant issues with my project and the animation system. Over 7 times now while working on this project, I have run into an issue where a yellow error appears when playing my game that says something like “couldn’t resolve track” then quickly disappears. Once this error starts occurring, all animations saved to my project will no longer function, and must be deleted and recreated. This takes an enormous amount of time each time it has to be done.
My project is a 2d project with (currently) very simple animations, animating only a sprite frame and the position of a node. I do not know how to recreate the issue. I have tried saving the animations and reloading them from the disk; this does nothing.
I need to know how to salvage my existing animations without completely restarting the project every time this error occurs.
Again, once this error starts showing up, all the animations in my project cease to work and must be manually recreated from scratch. I would like to find out how to prevent this from happening and salvage my work somehow.
I found the issue for me was that the animations I ‘Save As’ from the downloaded animation player had different track designations from my main animation player I was importing to:
The downloaded track designation vs my main one for all my other animations:
I had to add ‘Armature…/’ for the imported one to fit; it was designated to an animation track that didn’t exist.
Unfortunately, it seems that way. It’s a niche issue with not much documentation or automation to fix. I may issue a request for a batch animation track path changer, although it may not get much support.
I don’t really recommend the manual route, though.
I tried manually doing it, but had rotation issues and it was just a big mess. Ultimately I decided to find another pre-rigged model. I checked that it’s animation track matched the tracks for the animations I was downloading (Mixamo) and never had this issue again.
I have the same issue, i want to restructre my imported glb file. But the path still expects a “rig” node and i dont know where to change it, couldnt find it after a quick google search.
(Not ideal) If you do not have a lot of bones, you can manually alter the path in the animation timeline. You have bones like DEF-spine and DEF-pelvis-L in your example. Click those bone names in the timeline and you can change their path.
However, this becomes impractical if you have a properly rigged viewmodel or entire body; there are too many bones.
The BEST method I’ve found for fixing bone track paths is to save the animation files as a .Tres. These are text resources, unlike .res which is binary. With .tres you can open it up in any text editor and edit the resource data from there. Open it and find and replace the path to your desired one.
For example I had ‘Armature/Skeleton3d:…’ as my path followed by the bones. I could search and replace it so it read as ‘viewmodel/Skeleton3d’, or anything else I needed.
You could also write a simple python script to do this and make any other changes you needed.