Sizing a text container according to the text

Godot Version

v4.3.stable.mono.official [77dcf97d8]


I made scene with 2 colorRects and 1 label. The color rects represent the “background” and “corners”, and I want to size them according to the text, so that they are just big enough to fit it. Here is the script I’m using currently:

public override void _Ready()
        description = GetNode<Label>("Description");
        corner = GetNode<ColorRect>("Corner");
        bg = GetNode<ColorRect>("Background");

    public void SetText(string s)
        description.Text = s;
        bg.Size = description.Size;
        corner.Size = new Vector2(bg.Size.X + cornerWidth*2, bg.Size.Y + cornerWidth*2);

I tought that setting the text would automatically resize the label, but apparently not, since once I run the scene the bg and corner remain the same size. How can I do this?