Skeleton to collisionshape 3d

Godot Version



hey so I am using a model from and I want to make its skeleton its collision shape the character is pretty complicated so is there any way to do that?

btw this is how physical skeleton looks

You can use specialized nodes like BoneAttachment3D to forward the transform of a bone to another object, e.g. small collision shape for each bone.

That works as long as there are enough bones and the mesh surface does not need to bend too much. Bone attachments are single bone, they can not be “bend” by the influence of 4-8+ bones like a mesh vertex.

A skeleton can not be used for collision directly because by itself it is for rendering and has no direct relation with the physics system outside of those specialized nodes.


The bone attachments exist but how do i transform them to collision shapes?

You don’t, you add either physics areas or bodies with CollisionShape3D children to them.