Godot Version
4.3 stable
I am trying to animate joints on a robot arm exported from Blender via GLTF. It is made up of separate meshes per arm (i.e. between each joint) and 1 Armature. In Blender I can rotate each joint correctly and each joint rotation is independent of the other joints, but in Godot immediately on import I get rotations applied to the joints in Skeleton3d (not in the meshes) that do not align with the root bone axis causing an incorrect rotation offset. It almost seems like Godot ignores the Inherit Rotation flag in Blender always setting it true. Am I missing something obvious?
I’ve tried adding additional bones where an offset occurs but it doesn’t work as the rotation still propagates.
The only solution I can think of is to have a separate armature per joint, which is horrible…
Is there a better way?
Blender. All rotations applied as zero, works correctly
Godot. Joint3 has inherited its parent bone rotation