Steam assuming Godot is still running after switching to External Editor (VSCode)

So I’ve recently changed the default editor for Godot to an external one (VSCode) and noticed that steam still assumes that Godot is open Even though it’s closed. I press stop and it just gets stuck on stopping, and the only way for me to fully shut it down is to exit steam all together and it closes Godot for me.

I initially thought that if I close vscode before closing Godot then it would solve the issue but it doesn’t. I even tried closing all the gd files in VScode before closing Godot and nothing changed. Has anyone here faced this issue and if yes were you able to solve it or did you go back to the non-steam version of Godot?

All vscode does is communicate with the language server via the local network. There will be no dependencies between Godot and vscode. It probably a steam/Godot issue. I don’t know how many people use the steam version of Godot.

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I see. It seems like this might be an obscure issue then. I was hoping someone encountered this and found a solution. I’ll probably switch to the non-steam version cause this issue is pretty annoying.