Suggestion for networking in godot

Godot Version



` Hello, I am looking for a game engine for a specific game, I could not decide between godot and unreal. I designed the game in my head with simple objects in 2 game engines and it looks satisfactory (single player). I also want to convert this game to MMO format and I have only theoretical knowledge about the network.
My question is can I develop a game with the following features on my own in Godot 4.3 or later versions?
1- NPCs and characters in the game will not have collision with each other. They will only move on the map and the map has no elevation on the y axis and they will go in x and z directions.
2. Combat system is not complicated, characters will click on each other and say attack and they will be able to use 2 skills with cooldown.
3. The position and direction of the players will be controlled client based, not server based.
4. The game will be played on 3 different maps and the maps should carry about 100 150 players.Also they shouldnt sync because maybe players are not seen each other or afk etc.
5. The game server will only be for players in the same country where it is located and there will be a player limit of 500 people for each server.

As I mentioned, I have learned only theoretical concepts about the network, the graphic aspect of the game is low, but I want to design it in an enjoyable way. If I give my time for godot, will I have problems in the future and have to return to another game engine?
I will be glad if experienced friends help me.

Btw I found more resources for ue5 and looks more production ready system for hobbiest like me. But godot felt more comfortable i dont know why may be due to syntaxt :smiling_face_with_tear:

MMOs (and multiplayer games in general) are hard to make. You will need to write a decent amount of relatively complicated code. Your success depends more on your skill and time than on what engine you choose. I would pick whatever seems more fun :slight_smile:.

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I would say make a prototype for small scale lets say 10 players with Godot and see how you feel about it. I don’t know Unreal but from what I know it uses a lot of C++ and is more elaborate, which means although it could be more efficient it is steep in the learning curve. Then you can decide.