switching between custom mouse cursor's (not mouse shape!)

Godot Version



Hello! I’ve been trying for a few days now, to figure out how to switch between different custom mouse cursors with subsequent right clicks. Easily I can switch to the first different cursor…but it breaks down when I try to add a couple more options. I’d like to be able to reference the different type of cursor shapes to prompt different reactions from the environment. The reason I’m specifying cursors, not mouse shapes is because I’d like all the different mouse cursors to remain Arrows.
extends Node2D

func _ready():
var EyeCursor = preload(“res://Mouse Cursors/Eye Cursor Game.png”)
Input.set_custom_mouse_cursor(EyeCursor,0,Vector2(111, 64))

func _process(_delta):
var SpeechBubble = preload(“res://Mouse Cursors/Speech Cursor Game.png”)
if (Input.is_mouse_button_pressed(MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT)):
Input.set_custom_mouse_cursor(SpeechBubble,0,Vector2(111, 63))

My recommendation would be to make an enum for your different cursors, then track which one is currently set in a variable. That way, you always know which the current one is in order to cycle to the next!

Thanks alot - I have no idea why that didn’t cross my mind :smiley: