The texture on the 3D model is not showing on mobile android but does appear on desktop

Godot Version



Wired behavior on simple test scene i do see the model texture in desktop but i do not see it on mobile :
i did played with the “Software skinning” on and off without any success .
This is how it looks in mobile :

As you can see the shadow of the all body is casting , but there is no body .
only the joints textures
same scene ini desktop looks just fine

What can be the problem ?


few min after posting i found the problem and this is


Why “Oren Nayar” not shoing in mobile ? im aiming for GLES2 low spec mobiles .
Can it be its not supported ? and if it not supported , where can i find list of unsupported features ?

what should be and working although not sure its the best selection is :


So what was wrong in this selection ?

Oren Nayar is the slowest diffuse mode out there (it was also removed in 4.0).

You want to be using Lambert as much as possible on mobile. By default, Godot 3.x will always use Lambert over Burley on mobile if a material is configured to use the Burley diffuse mode anyway. (Tgis can be changed in the Project Settings.)