Godot Version
v4.3.beta3.official [82cedc83c]
When I place terrain using the terrain painter in “connect mode” while in the editor, all of my walls place and remove properly while updating neighboring tiles. However, when using a code solution at runtime, certain tiles are not updated properly when erasing a cell.
Only the top and left neighbor tiles are affected, and only under specific tile circumstances. Adding a tile always works as intended.
Here’s a video of the issue: https://i.imgur.com/axDT6UA.mp4 (can’t upload as I’m a new user)
The terrain painting on the pertinent tileset:
The placement and removal functions:
func PlaceWall(): # Called when left click is held
var tileMousePos := wallTiles.local_to_map(get_global_mouse_position()) as Vector2i
var tileData := wallTiles.get_cell_tile_data(tileMousePos) as TileData
if !tileData:
wallTiles.set_cell(tileMousePos, 1, Vector2i(0,0))
wallTiles.set_cells_terrain_connect([tileMousePos], 0, 0, false)
func EraseWall(): # Called when right click is held
var tileMousePos := wallTiles.local_to_map(get_global_mouse_position()) as Vector2i
var tileData := wallTiles.get_cell_tile_data(tileMousePos) as TileData
if tileData:
var surroundingCells := wallTiles.get_surrounding_cells(tileMousePos) as Array
#wallTiles.update_internals() # Didn't affect anything
#wallTiles.notify_runtime_tile_data_update() # Also nothing
for cellPos in surroundingCells:
if wallTiles.get_cell_tile_data(cellPos):
wallTiles.set_cells_terrain_connect([cellPos], 0, 0, false)
I’ve read that the TileMapLayer feature is still a bit buggy when used at runtime, so I’m hoping that the issue is just an easy mistake on my part.
If any more info is needed I’m happy to provide it, thanks!