tileMaps and how to use them with a sheet of premade tilesets

Godot Version



i just recently bought a tileset, and it came with prebuilt building and objects. the premade building are all on the same page each being a different size i thought mabe put it on a sprite 2d would work but i can only use 6 building that way, how on earth do i use them?

could you post the asset link? or a sample of what you mean?

is this what you mean

i used a tilemap on the bottom right house but i had to build it tile buy tile by hand and that sucked so im trying to understand tilemaps a bit more

why can you only use 6 of the buildings? It looks like the left side will be compatable with tilemaps but the buildings like you mentioned are not aligned to 16x16 and may need manual placement.

so the top row of building would work for a sprite2d cause you can align them with the animation thing but the bigger building dont but using a tilemap i could use all of them i just have to build them tile by tile, so i just want to know how to set it up so i dont have to build tile by tile and would i be able to make the building interactable using tilemaps

You could set their region for just one building.

Similarly look into AtlasTextures.

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ok thank you i think this is the second time youve helped me so thank you again

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