Time to use Skeleton Modifiers?

Godot Version



Hello Everyone . Im just going to post a problem and see if anyone can help . I wont share any code because I think this is conceptual at this stage .

I have this game with a snake in it and there is regular animations , but there is also a mode where it procedurally slithers . The bones are forced to follow a chain of hidden triangles .

I have successfully gotten a smooth transition between animation to the slither ( forcing the hidden chain mesh to snap to the animation bone position and then run the chain simulation from there ) but I cant go from slither back to the animation .

I literally have no strategy for this . My first thought was make a routine that makes a transition animation on the fly by making keys out of the current skeleton position during the slither , but that fails every time . I cant get the correct bone position .

Is this where i need to use skeleton modifiers like described here ?