Use ResourceLoader.LoadThreadedRequest with SpriteFrames: Do the Textures get loaded in too?

Godot Version

4.3 Mono


` Hello! I’ve been working on a loading system for my game with ResourceLoader threaded loading in C#. Some of the largest assets in my game are animations, which are comprised of 100s of individual image files (not spritesheets).

I’m currently loading all of my SpriteFrames animations into memory during a loading screen at the start of the game use LoadThreadedRequest. However, despite having them all loaded in memory, I notice a stutter whenever the game plays a new animation for the first time.

Is this because the Texture2Ds that the SpriteFrames rely on haven’t been loaded in? In other words, do you need to load the ext_resources of a SpriteFrames resource separately in order to load it fully?`

do any variable holds all the loaded textures in a scene that’s active? if yes, then there might be other stuffs that made it stutter. do you use any shader material or canvas material for your scenes?

I have variables to hold the loaded SpriteFrames, but nothing holding the textures. The textures aren’t really reference or used anywhere, they only exist as part of the SpriteFrames.

I do have some ShaderMaterials and a CanvasItemMaterial, but I render objects with those shaders during the load screen as well so the shaders can compile beforehand.