we need MetaMultiMesh3D(plugins) instade of MultiMeshInstance3D

Hello, sir. I wasn’t sure how to contact you, so I’m leaving a comment here. The MultiMeshInstance3D node in Godot, as it stands, is quite limited. However, there’s a plugin in the Godot Asset Library called MetaMultiMesh3D, which significantly enhances its functionality—it’s like MultiMeshInstance3D on steroids.

Could you help raise awareness in the Godot community about this? Since they adopted Jolt instead of their own physics engine, they should also consider including this plugin as a built-in feature. It’s 100% MIT licensed, so there shouldn’t be any issues integrating it into the engine.

You want to make a proposal on the github proposal repo.

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I’m pretty sure Godot sort of does this already, by batching similar mesh+materials into a single draw call. MultiMeshInstance is for explicitly optimizing this scenario, the plugin might be a middle ground between leaving it to the engine and explicit optimization, I don’t think it should replace MultiMeshInstance, nor do I feel it fills a need. Plus if it can reasonably be implemented as a plugin Godot is usually against adding it to the core, Jolt got a lot more out of not being a plugin.