func _on_Player_death():
# Get the current score from Timer1 label
var current_score = $Timer1.text.to_int()
print("Player died with score: ", current_score)
if current_score > highscore:
# Update the high score if the current score is higher
highscore = current_score
AdManager.set_highscore("Player", current_score)
print("Updating highscore from ", highscore, " to ", current_score)
if Bridge.platform.language == "ru":
print("Setting highscore label to Russian")
$Highscore.text = "рекорд: " + str(highscore)
if Bridge.platform.language == "en":
print("Setting highscore label to Russian")
$Highscore.text = "highscore: " + str(highscore)
maybe there is AdManager.set_highscore(“Player”, current_score) player wrong ?
okay i cant fix it, anyway i am very grateful that you spent so much amount on time trying to help me fix this, and now i am going to send it to moderation and get canceled , Thanks !!!