Weird artifacts with (supposedly) pixel-perfect upscaling :/

Godot 4.4 stable on Win10 64bit

Hi, just beggining in Godot and encounter a very annoying issue with upscaling …

Just made a very tiny scene with most simplistic pixelated sprites possible.
I naturaly want the scene can be upscaled without filtering (“nearest neighbour”) by strictly integer factor, for “pixel perfect” rendering.

  • My scene = a CanvasLayer with a TileMapLayer (but that’s the same with similar assets in Sprtite2D).

  • Sprites are 16x16 in .png format, no transparency.

  • Project settings :
    – Window Resizable : ON
    – Stretch Mode : Viewport (similar with CanvasItem)
    – Aspect : Keep (similar with other options)
    – Scale Mode : Integer
    – Scale : same issue with 2.0 or 1.0 (and resizing with window)
    – Default Texture Filter : Nearest (similar with Nearest mipmap)

Have this kind of artifacts :

Same thing in :
— the editor window
— a quick launch / debug window
— exported Windows executable

In 1:1 the display is normal :

(manual upscaling (for better view) from a screenshot of the Godot editor)

Any idea ?

Update your graphics card’s driver.

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Thanks a lot !!
Seems to be exactly that … (EDIT : done and it perfectly works now !! :D)
(I’m ashamed that searching on the net hadn’t reach me to this :see_no_evil:)