What is the meaning of the '"common_parent" is null 'bug?

Godot Version 4.3

I keep getting this error and I don’t know what it means. I think I saw that someone else had this problem, but I don’t think it was answered.

The only thing I did that I think might cause this is copying and pasting nodes to other scenes, but I don’t know how to fix that or how it really happened

Note: I have not been getting it the last couple times so maybe I accidentally fixed it, but if you have the time, please help because if it comes back it might be good to know what to do.

when you get a error it tell you where it is in this case it’s in this file line 2192

what I bet is going on with your project is at some point you are not adding the node you made to the main game scene tree. at some point it looks for a parent of the node that is not their to be found and so it’s null.

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