Why are 3d textures not showing in godot

Godot Version



I downloaded a free 3d model of a P3d Lightning I opened it in blender and it was fully textured. I then exported it to my godot 3 project folder. But when I dragged the gltf file into the godot 3d scene viewer it came in with no textures.

Here is a screenshot of how it looks in blender:


Here is a zip file of the whole project folder

What am I doing wrongly ?

It could be that Godot 3 doesn’t support everything. It’s best to compare with Godot 4.3 first. A month ago I also wanted to import something under Godot 3, some of it was incorrect.

and try Blender 4.3 :slight_smile:


Blender versions older than 3.2 do not export emissive textures with the glTF file. If your model uses one and you’re using an older version of Blender, it must be brought in separately.

By default, Blender has backface culling disabled on materials and will export materials to match how they render in Blender. This means that materials in Godot will have their cull mode set to Disabled. This can decrease performance since backfaces will be rendered, even when they are being culled by other faces. To resolve this, enable Backface Culling in Blender’s Materials tab, then export the scene to glTF again.

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Thanks for the VERY QUICK REPLY. i am using Blender 2.7 because that is the version that I am most familiar with. I only recently got a machine that could run any version greater than 2.7 without slowing down to almost a halt.

I use Godot version 3.6 because it has Visual Scripting built in. Yes I know about Orchestrator and I have it along with Godot 4.3. I just like to start with simple things and just learn more as I go along.

Visual Scripting is just easier for me. I know that if I want to do anything complex I will have to use GDScript or C#. But I come from the days when CS teachers use to MAKE you do flowcharts BEFORE the even let you sit at to keyboard. So I am much more comfortable with the block like paradigm of Visual Scripting.

My ultimate goal is to convert the tutorial shown here:

Simplified Airplane Controller

To be all scripted using Godot Visual Scripting. NOT as a production project that I am going to post or sell but just as a learning exercise.


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