Why does my default cube in the MeshInstance3D node looks rectangular?

Godot Version

Godot Engine v4.0.2.stable.official [7a0977ce2]


Why does my default cube in the MeshInstance3D node looks rectangular despite its size being 1x1x1m ?
Please Help

Either check the transform on that node itself (not just the mesh instance cube), and check any parent transform too, make sure they are all 1,1,1.

Well if you look at the screen shot I’ve attached the transform section clearly says 1,1,1, and yet the cube still looks rectangular which is what baffles me and there doesn’t seem to be a easy solution but some kind of strange bug in the software.

So that is the scale of the box mesh primitive in the MeshInstance3d node, but that node also has a transform if you scroll down.

Here I have the BoxMesh at 1,1,1, but the transform on the actual node is .5,1,1

and then the parent of that MeshInstance3D also has a transform (and all of the nodes on down in the hierarchy), in this screen below the Node3D has been scaled up on the Y.