Why does Ness look like an alcoholic in Godot?

Godot Version




i put this photo in a project: https://cdn.wikibound.info/3/32/Ness_sprite.png
it looks ok in other programs, but in Godot it looks weird?

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Have you tried changing or completely turning off compression in import settings for that png?


Check your import settings. When I set the Mode to Lossless, it looks fine.

When I change the Mode to Lossy and set Lossy Quality to something low, it looks like your picture.


wow he looks old here

it’s lossless in my settings tho

thank you

i googled the error message from logs, and in issue Image data size error when importing some pngs files · Issue #85489 · godotengine/godot · GitHub they say it only happens in comapility mode and disabling ram compression can fix it

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