Why _input do not work

Godot Version

Godot 4.2.2


Why _input do not work:
func input(event):
if event is InputEventKey and event.pressed:
match event:
KEY_F12: config_menu()
KEY_F10: ref_key()
KEY_F11: full_screen()
KEY_F9: run
if fh4 in [“F9”, “F9G”, “F9GA”, “F9GAM”,]: fh4 += event.as_text_keycode()
elif fh4 == “F9GAME”:
fh4 = “gh”
fj = false
elif fj:
fh4 = “”
fj = false

Make sure to paste your code between three ticks like so

type or paste code here

You’ll have to do better describing your issue, what do you expect to happen with this code? What really happens?

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