2d Tilemaps in 3d scene

Godot Version



So I have transfered my 2d game into 3d because of render order difficulties, and I would like to use my tilemaps in the 3d game. I am aware of Gridmaps, but I do not want to use meshes, so I was wondering if there was some way to put the tilmaps on a plane using viewports or something?
Project the tilemap onto a plane like in above image?

I also encountered this problem

There’s a 2d in 3d demo that may help in the asset library. This may give you some ideas on the viewport method.

However, I think first I would try to take the tile and use map_to_local to try to instantiate a scene from the tile. You may need a 3d sprite scene to make it work. Unsure as I haven’t tried that. But you should be able to instantiate a 3d sprite scene and add the tile via the tilemap.

I think you’d be able to take the 2d x,y and set those to x and z then set the y statically. Unsure if this path will work, but it’s probably what I would try.