I made this little movement system based on: Untitled Tag Game (Roblox), and Bad Business (Roblox).
- A robust vaulting system
- Acceleration and deceleration
- Test map (updated)
- Smooth head bob
- FOV alterations based on speed
- Jumping with height and distance based on speed
- Jump buffer
- Coyote time
- Horizontal velocity speedometer (bottom left)
- Sprinting and autosprinting
- Jump cooldown
The repository is public and opensource, so you can use it however you want.
If you end up adding nice features/fixes to your version, consider opening a pull request for my branch <3.
This is my first repository, so if you find any issues DM me or open an issue in GitHub.
The following links are for a showcase video!
Mega Link (Slow):
Google Drive Link (Needs Account):