3D Schmovement System Showcase

I made this little movement system based on: Untitled Tag Game (Roblox), and Bad Business (Roblox).


  1. A robust vaulting system
  2. Acceleration and deceleration
  3. Test map (updated)
  4. Smooth head bob
  5. FOV alterations based on speed
  6. Jumping with height and distance based on speed
  7. Jump buffer
  8. Coyote time
  9. Horizontal velocity speedometer (bottom left)
  10. Sprinting and autosprinting
  11. Jump cooldown

The repository is public and opensource, so you can use it however you want.
If you end up adding nice features/fixes to your version, consider opening a pull request for my branch <3.

This is my first repository, so if you find any issues DM me or open an issue in GitHub.

The following links are for a showcase video!

Mega Link (Slow):

Google Drive Link (Needs Account):


If something doesn’t work tell me asap.

Definitely use the Github link instead of google drive or mega. Developers are most familiar with git.

You also linked to the github’s “Security” page

Here’s the home page


How would I put the video showcase on GitHub?

The file is too big to put on the readme.