Absolutely Nothing working in this script?

Godot Version

Godot 4.3


Just want to preface this by saying this is my first godot project. Anyway, I wrote this script for an npc in my game and none of the functions run when I run the project. I tried putting print statements in all of the functions to check where it breaks, but literally nothing even runs.

extends CharacterBody2D

var firstNamesMale = ["Aldric", "Alistair", "Aric", "Baldwin", "Berengar", "Branislav", "Cadeyrn", "Cedric", "Dorian", "Endric", "Eric", "Godwin", "Faelan", "Faramond", "Garrick", "Harold", "Lucian", "Oswin", "Roland", "Piers", "Sigmund"]
var personName := str(firstNamesMale[randi_range(0,len(firstNamesMale)-1)])
var maxHealth := randi_range(5,10)
var currentHealth := maxHealth
var strength := randi_range(1,5)
var speed := randi_range(1,5)
var age := randi_range(12,24)
var level := 1
#var color := str(characterColors[randi_range(0,len(characterColors)-1)])

func _physics_process(_delta):
	print("Physics Process")
	if velocity.length() > 0:
	if velocity.x > 0:
		$Sprite.flip_h = false
		$Sprite.flip_h = true

func _input_event(_viewport, event, _shape_idx):
	print("Input Event")
	if event.is_action_pressed("click"):
		$InspectorMenu/NameLabel.text = str(personName)
		$InspectorMenu/HPLabel.text = str("HP: " + str(currentHealth)+"/"+str(maxHealth))
		$InspectorMenu/StrengthLabel.text = str("Strength: " + str(strength))
		$InspectorMenu/SpeedLabel.text = str("Speed: " + str(speed))
		$InspectorMenu/AgeLabel.text = str("Age: " + str(age))
		$InspectorMenu/LevelLabel.text = str("Level " + str(level))

func _process(delta):

Here's a screenshot of the scene. The dudes are the npcs with the script on them The NPC's are just a characterbody2d with a sprite node, collider, etc. attached and the script is on the characterbody2d node.

If the print statements aren’t doing anything, then the script isn’t assigned or the characters have their process_mode set to ProcessMode.PROCESS_MODE_DISABLED. Furthermore, the method _input_event only makes sense in CollisionObject2D or CollisionObject3D nodes, so this one isn’t called by default.


The script is connected to the node. Although, I’m not sure where to see it’s process mode…

Also it is the right script as seen here

Okay found where to change process and it isn’t disabled, it was set to inherit so I tried pausable and always, but to no avail…

I attached the script to a fresh characterbody2d and for some reason it’s working now… Might just remake the npc scene and see if that works