Access node from script (C#)

Godot Version

Version 4.2.1


I have a script attached to (in this case) a Sprite2D node. How do I get and set the fields of the Sprite2D from the script in C#?

Hello, set a specific property, simple example:

public class MySpride2D : Sprite2D
    private Texture2D newSpriteTexture;

    public override void _Ready()
        // in this line set new texture to current sprite2d
        // access to texture is via Texture property
        this.Texture = newSpriteTexture
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So the script must inherit from the node type I want to attach it to?

Yes, exactly.

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here is another way to access Sprite2D’s properties without extending the Sprite2D class. the example sets TestSprite’s color to Red.

Sprite2D v_sprite = GetNode<Sprite2D>("TestSprite");
v_sprite.SelfModulate = Colors.Red;

So in that example the script is attached to the Sprite2D node named “TestSprite”? Seems like if there is a script attached to a node then the node is no longer retrievable in the node tree, only the script can be found at that path. So this would give an invalid cast exception