I currently make a 2d platformer and I want to have a door at the end as a tile. When the player touches the door, I want him to win. I only know about Physics Collision that Tilemap provides. Is there something similar but as a sensor only(like Area2D). Thanks in advance!
A TileMapLayer can hold images or scenes. If you make a Door scene that is a Sprite2D + Area2D + custom script that makes you win you can add that as a tile. Then in the tile map painter you can paint winning doors all over the place.
You’ll need an Area2D with a CollisionShape2D, and an on_body_entered signal to trigger whatever code you want. I’m using that for the doorways in my RPG demo. I hope this is a good start.
There are very few questions i can answer and i ask so very, very many. If i can (finally) answer a question, i want to do my best. As a thank you to everyone who put up with my questions.