Adding GUI to the black borders of a window

Godot Version

v4.3.stable.official [77dcf97d8]


I’m trying to add GUI to the black borders that appear when resizing the window in window stretch mode.

I’ve decided to use SubViewports, this is what I’ve got so far:

AspectRatioContainer (set `ratio` to `1.3333`)
└── SubViewportContainer (set `stretch` to `true`)
    └── SubViewport
        └── Sprite

It works for the most part, except for one issue: the CanvasItems inside the SubViewport do not scale properly. For I example, when I shrink the window, the canvas items should also shrink, but they do not.



How can I ensure that the sprite scales with the window size?

Can you use a TextureRect instead of the Sprite perhaps? It has a built in functionality for resizing and rescaling.

I’m trying to implement this into an already existing project and having to update all the UI to scale like that would be a massive pain. Sorry for the late reply! I forgot I made this post.

You can change the Stretch Mode in the Project Settings to e.g. canvas_items to achieve your effect.

This is the effect:

This is the scene structure I used for this demo:

That isn’t quite what I’m going for since the black borders are still there and I’m trying to replace them with my own UI.

I did manage to get the effect I wanted but the method I used was super messy. Here’s the scene structure:

AspectRatioContainer (set `ratio` to `1.3333`)
└── SubViewportContainer (set `stretch` to `true`)
    └── SubViewport
        └── CanvasLayer (set `follow_viewport_enabled` to `true`)
            └── SubViewportContainer (set `stretch` to `true`)
                └── SubViewport
                    └── Sprite2D

then you need to attach this script to the parent of AspectRatioContainer:

extends Control

@onready var subviewport: SubViewport = $AspectRatioContainer/SubViewportContainer/SubViewport
@onready var canvas_layer: CanvasLayer = $AspectRatioContainer/SubViewportContainer/SubViewport/CanvasLayer
@onready var subsubviewportcontainer: SubViewportContainer = $AspectRatioContainer/SubViewportContainer/SubViewport/CanvasLayer/SubViewportContainer

func _process(_delta: float) -> void:
	# Get the project window size
	var width: int = ProjectSettings.get_setting(&"display/window/size/viewport_width")
	var height: int = ProjectSettings.get_setting(&"display/window/size/viewport_height")
	var window_size: = Vector2(width, height)
	# Scale the canvas layer
	canvas_layer.scale = Vector2(subviewport.size) / window_size
	# Not sure what this does exactly but it fixes a weird window clipping bug.
	subsubviewportcontainer.size = window_size*2.0

or you can just use this example project

I’d appreciate if anyone could find a cleaner way to do this!

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