adding touch Input Map for iOS

Godot Version


So I have my project set up to use input map in project settings.

It’s to use the space bar when I run the app on the computer.
But, now I want it to work on iOS…

I can run it on iOS…
But, I can’t figure out how to make it so the touch replaces the space bar.

Under physics process I use a fly() function

func fly():
if Input.is_action_just_pressed(“fly”) == true:

velocity.y = POWER"power")

I tried

func fly():
if Input.is_action_just_pressed(“fly”) == true or InputEventScreenTouch.pressed == true:

velocity.y = POWER"power")

But it causes a crash.
Anyone have any advice?
I’d rather just add touch to the project settings input map.

I know I can add a node to do this … and have like a connected button.

But, I’d rather just any touch on the phone replace what the space bar was doing.