Godot Version
4.2.1, 4.3.dev5
I’m not new to Godot, but I am new to experimenting with GDExtension.
I followed the GDExtension example documentation and have a custom GDExtension I called Lando derived from Node3D performing the way I expect. Nice!
Then I derived another class I called PlayerBody from CharacterBody3D. I register the class in register_types the same way as Lando.
PlayerBody::_bind_methods() is definitely getting called but when Lando adds a PlayerBody node using add_child, PlayerBody is added to my scene, but PlayerBody::_physics_process is not being called.
ClassDB::class_exists(“PlayerBody”) returns true so my class exists, but ClassDB::class_has_method(“PlayerBody”, “_physics_process”)) returns false.
Adding BIND_VIRTUAL_METHOD(PlayerBody, _physics_process); doesn’t help, but I do see a runtime error as a result:
E 0:00:00:0668 bind_virtual_method: Virtual ‘PlayerBody::_physics_process()’ method already registered.
<C++ Error> Condition “type.virtual_methods.find(p_method) != type.virtual_methods.end()” is true.
<C++ Source> godot-cpp\src\core\class_db.cpp:336 @ bind_virtual_method()
I’m not sure if there’s some detail I’ve missed, or if I’ve found a bug… Doing some searching I feel like it could be related to some bugs related to virtual methods mentioned here: How to bind a c++ virtual method to gdscript - #4 by coder
Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks for reading!