Addressing the misattribution of solution credits

Perhaps I am just being petty here. But it really annoys me when people mark their own answer as the solution when clearly the solution was provided by somebody else.

Here is an example:

@Calinou clearly gave the solution. Yet the same solution replied to by the OP was marked as the solution.

Personally I am always pleased when someone marks my suggestion or advice as the solution. I almost give a little cheer when it happens. But often the same as the above example has happened to me many times. Especially annoying when I think one of my own answers was better and more in depth than a similar one that gets the tick!

I cannot really think of a ‘solution’ to this, it may not even be considered an issue by most people, but perhaps when marking your own reply to your own post as a solution, a little warning box could come up with something like:

“Just a quick check! Are you sure your reply is the one that solves the problem? If another user’s contribution helped you find the solution, consider giving them the credit they deserve. We want to ensure that everyone receives recognition for their helpful insights and further encourage peoples input to our help requests.”

Now as I am writing this it seems really petty, but I suppose I am just venting a petty peeve that I seem to see quite often. I suppose it could be considered that a short summary outlining the solution is a better link for future users reading the issue and looking for a solution too.

Humph. I dunno. What does everyone else think about this? Or is it just me being petty?


I replied to the email but I think I was supposed to reply here, I didn’t really know I was supposed to mark HIS response as the solution, I just thought of it as a Close topic type of thing so it doesn’t come up to other ppl on the forum, and doesnt annoy them, I changed it to be his solution now. Also yeah you are kinda correct to assume most people want a quick solution to a bug like this, but either way it still makes sense to mark his reply as the solution


I think the backup community-voted best solution is by likes, the same thing happens on stack overflow; the best solution is rarely the picked one, gotta look for the most likes (unless that’s also a bad solution lol).


When I mark my own reply is a solution, I usually give a detailed summary on how to fix the issue and/or implement the system for posterity. Plus, I say thank you to the people who helped me reach it.

I do this because my topics are either really specific, contain a really long reply thread, and/or have an answer that isn’t less than 2 sentences.

Edit: Also, my topic are usually very niche and specific. Meaning only a very small amount of the Godot Forum’s users have the knowledge/skills to interact. For me, that’s networking and multiplayer. The gap’s so large, it’s great to give a digestible summary for those who are looking for these same very specific questions that require very specific answers.

Edit 2 (Technically 3): I’m also in a position to solve problems and learn new systems without guidance. So I can stumble onto a solution that wasn’t even in the post.

This is a solid point to address though. I’m glad you brought it up.


You did nothing wrong and I am sure he did not mind at all. I meant no criticism of you personally and in fact I only chose that example as a less offensive example to not point the finger at anyone in particular. Sorry. It was in fact a fair and quite good question about a known issue that will still catch people out if they have not come across it before. I am glad you got a solution to the issue.

Very true and good point. I used to use StackOverflow constantly but have not even been on the site in perhaps the last two years. I used to love their public votes and it used to be such a fantastic resource. I suppose it still is, just for some reason I never use it any more. But it was an issue there as well.

Yeah, that is why I kinda think I am being petty, and that is certainly a good reason to allow self solving. In fact a good summary like that can be the best answer especially if it is a long issue with many replies.

Well it is the day after my original post now and I am no longer peeved. However, I am sure it will happen again and I will be saying to myself "What? I answered that! Why is that the solution? …(continues muttering away to myself nursing a bruised ego :slight_smile: )