Advice / best practices for creating dynamic text

Godot Version



I’m intending on implementing a dynamic text-reveal system that fades in letters/words/phrases one-by-one (Visual Novel esque) and can also apply styling and animation to individual letters/words/phrases.

I want this to be as lightweight and extensible as possible, and I’ve been considering two different starting points for the implementation:

  1. Instance each letter as a Label UI node.
  2. Instance each letter as a MeshInstance2D with a TextMesh mesh.

I believe the latter will probably be the better choice, but I’m wondering if there’s anything I’m overlooking here. Any advice is greatly appreciated ^-^

Have you checked out Dialogic? It probably covers everything you need as a holistic plugin:

Otherwise the main thing to be aware of is probably BBCode fade options:

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Thank you! The BBCode options are pretty much exactly what I was looking for!