Anything to watch out for when using VSYNC_MAILBOX?

Godot Version




VSYNC_DISABLED: turns vsync off

VSYNC_ENABLED: turns vsync on limiting your fps to your monitors refresh rate

VSYNC_ADAPTIVE: fps is limited by the monitor as if vsync is enabled, however, when frames are below the monitors refresh rate it behaves as if vsync has been disabled.

VSYNC_MAILBOX: Displays the most recent image with the frame rate being unlimited. The image is rendered as fast as possible which could reduce input lag but no guarantees are made. This mode is also known as “Fast” Vsync and works best when your frame rate is at least twice that of the monitor refresh rate

So Godot 4 has these VSYNC modes, and I am interested in VSYNC_MAILBOX. From the description of lower input lag, this is preferable. But at the same time, there gotta be some caveats or hidden traps. What are these things to watch out for? Has anyone tried this mode in their game?

Doubt it, other than running your GPU harder.

Also just doing a little googling it may not be supported on some platforms.

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