Area2D Body entered not working

Godot Version

v4.3.stable.official [77dcf97d8]


New Dev here.
I’m creating a new scene, and I’m trying to implement a few new Objects the player can interact with. The Player has an area2D for this, defining the players interaction range. In the player script, I have defined an on body entered function that recognizes the objects the player can interact with. Now this works for a few Objects already, but now upon creating a new Object, the Object Body is never recognized upon entering. I have created a workbench for example that is built as follows: Node2D parenting:AnimatedSprite2D and CharacterBody2D parenting: CollisonShape2D.
The Player can collide with the Table, but the Player’s Body entered Signal never fires.
Have I set up the new Objects wrong (as mentioned, this already works for Other Objects like an NPC or a Plant Pot in a different scene) or what is going on here?
Kindest regards,

Hard to say without more info but check your layers and masks. Maybe one was accidently clicked?

Thanks for the heads-up, there was indeed a layer missing in the new Object.

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