Attempt to call function 'is_in_group' in base 'null instance' on a null instance

Godot Version



Why is this not working

	if	Input.is_action_just_pressed("fire") or Input.is_action_pressed("fire") :
		if Aimcast.is_colliding():
				var target = Aimcast.get_collider()
				if target.is_in_group("ENEMY"):
					print("hit enemy") -= damage

Try printing target to see if it’s null

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Can you show the entire code?

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hi, here is the entire code for the player

extends CharacterBody3D

const BASE_FOV = 100.0
const FOV_CHANGE = 3.5

var speed
var crouch_speed = 3
const WALK_SPEED = 6.2
const SPRINT_SPEED = 8.0
const JUMP_VELOCITY = 5.5
const sensitvity = 0.01
const SPEED_SPRINT = 10.0
var default_height = 1.5
var crouch_height = 0.3
const bob_freq = 2.3
const bob_amp = 0.08
var t_bob = 0.0
var damage = 100

var instance

@onready var head = $Neck
@onready var camera = $Neck/Camera3D
@onready var collision = $CollisionShape3D
@onready var headbonker = $HeadBonker
@onready var Aimcast = $Neck/Camera3D/hand/AimCast
@onready var animshoot = $AnimationPlayer

var gravity = 9.8

func _enter_tree():

func _ready():
	if not is_multiplayer_authority(): return 
	camera.current = true

func _unhandled_input(event):
	if event is InputEventMouseMotion:
		head.rotate_y(-event.relative.x * sensitvity)
		camera.rotate_x(-event.relative.y * sensitvity)
		camera.rotation.x = clamp(camera.rotation.x, deg_to_rad(-40),deg_to_rad(60) )
	if event is InputEventMouseButton:
	elif event.is_action_pressed("ui_cancel"):

func fire():
		if Input.is_action_pressed("fire"):
			if not animshoot.is_playing():"Shoot")

func _physics_process(delta):
	if is_multiplayer_authority():
	if	Input.is_action_just_pressed("fire"):
		if Aimcast.is_colliding():
				var target = Aimcast.get_collider()
				if target.is_in_group("ENEMY"):
					print("hit enemy") -= damage
	if Input.is_action_just_pressed("quit"):

	if not is_on_floor():
		velocity.y -= gravity * delta

	if headbonker.is_colliding():
		collision.shape.height -= crouch_speed * delta 
		collision.shape.height = clamp(collision.shape.height, crouch_height, default_height)

	# Handle jump.
	if is_on_floor() or is_on_wall():			
		if Input.is_action_just_pressed("Jump"):
			velocity.y = JUMP_VELOCITY

	if Input.is_action_pressed("sprint"):
		speed = SPRINT_SPEED
	elif headbonker.is_colliding():
		speed = CROUCH_SPEED
		speed = WALK_SPEED

	if Input.is_action_pressed("crouch"):
		speed = CROUCH_SPEED
		collision.shape.height -= crouch_speed * delta 
		collision.shape.height += crouch_speed * delta
	collision.shape.height = clamp(collision.shape.height, crouch_height, default_height)

	# Get the input direction and handle the movement/deceleration.
	# As good practice, you should replace UI actions with custom gameplay actions.
	var input_dir = Input.get_vector("left", "right", "forward", "back")
	var direction = (head.transform.basis * Vector3(input_dir.x, 0, input_dir.y)).normalized()
	if is_on_floor():
		if direction:
			velocity.x = direction.x * speed
			velocity.z = direction.z * speed
			velocity.x = lerp(velocity.x, direction.x * speed, delta * 7.0)
			velocity.z = lerp(velocity.z, direction.z * speed, delta * 7.0)
		velocity.x = lerp(velocity.x, direction.x * speed, delta * 2.0)
		velocity.z = lerp(velocity.z, direction.z * speed, delta * 2.0)
	t_bob += delta * velocity.length() * float(is_on_floor())
	camera.transform.origin = _headbob(t_bob)

	var velocity_clamped = clamp(velocity.length(), 0.5, SPRINT_SPEED * 2)
	var target_fov = BASE_FOV + FOV_CHANGE * velocity_clamped
	camera.fov = lerp(camera.fov, target_fov, delta * 8)


func _headbob(time) -> Vector3:
	var pos = Vector3.ZERO
	pos.y = sin(time * bob_freq) * bob_amp 
	pos.x = cos(time * bob_freq / 2) * bob_amp
	return pos

You are going to have to elaborate a bit.
How far into this block of if’s does it go? Does it make it past the first if statement?
PS: That if statement doesn’t really make sense. is_action_just_pressed() fires when the key is first pressed down. It is usually used to avoid the multiple hits you get from using is_action_pressed().
If your goal is to let the user hold the button for continuous fire then use is_action_pressed()
If your goal is to single shot the weapon then use is_action_just_pressed()


Try change this:

To this:

	if Input.is_action_just_pressed("fire") or Input.is_action_pressed("fire") :
		var target = Aimcast.get_collider()
		if target and target.is_in_group("ENEMY"):
			print("hit enemy") -= damage

You’re not checking to see if target is a valid object before referencing it.