Baking for NavigationRegion3D goes through floor

Godot Version




I need some help with the baking of my NavigationRegion3D. I have setup my layout of my game (kind of like floor plans) and wanted to bake a navigation mesh on it. It works but upon changing the radius in agents I get this weird thing were it goes through my floor, namely the stairs of my layout.

I have attached photos to visually see this as I am not the greatest at explaining problems:

radius = 0.5

radius = 1

Now I could leave the radius at 0.5, but my enemy walks more on the sides rather than the middle, hence the reason I attempt to put it with a radius of 1.

Any help will do, thank you!


from your screenshots it looks like you did not bake the NavMesh with Filters:
Low Hanging Obstacles and/or Walkable Low Height Spans.

Otherwise you can try to adjust the NavAgent Height and/or scale your Mesh until it fits.

Have your tried the new version of godot ?

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Hey, no I have not tried the new version of godot. I have been playing around with some of the properties and managed to bake it to my liking.

I will definitely keep in mind of the Low Hanging Obstacles and/or Walkable Low Height Spans as probably it would have taken me less time than what I original did.

Thank you !

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