Godot Version
I have a 3D character moving and rotating in a 3D world, but it only moves in 2D, and is rotated only on the Z-axis.
The best way I could figure to add rotations of different degrees, from different sources of input, without them over-writing each other or suddenly snapping, was to transform a target basis value, and each frame .slerp() my character closer to that target basis.
This is some cases returning the error : “basis must be normalized to be cast to quaternion” and player resets to to a flat 0 degree angle.
(sorry - I dont know if this is going to format as a code block or not)
This is the function running every frame:
func basis_to_target_interp():
player.scale.x = abs(player.scale.x)
var current_quat = Quaternion(player.basis)
var target_quat = Quaternion(target_basis)
var slerp_quat = current_quat.slerp(target_quat, 0.5)
player.transform.basis = Basis(slerp_quat)
player.scale.x *= direction
This works great when I am setting the target basis to be the normal of the floor ( to angle the player up slopes), but only If I apply the direction scaling after the transformation.
It also works here, but only when I am facing forward (direction = 1):
player.basis = \
player.basis.rotated(Vector3.BACK, (PI/5))
target_basis = \
player.basis.rotated(Vector3.BACK, (PI/6 * jump_charge))
This code is meant to snap the basis first to a certain angle, then set a target to rotate too over a few frames.
This code works, but only if “scale.x = 1”, but if its -1, the character does not rotate at all (the quaternion of the target basis returns [0,0,0,1] )
I dont know enough about this subject to know if I am approaching this process wrong, and I have tried slapping .normalized() and .orthonormalized(), on any value I can before and after doing the basis transform, but I am out of ideas.
Any suggestions?