(beginner) Dialogic Timeline playing even when not inside the area2d

Godot Version



Hello everyone! This is my first time using dialogic and I’ve been watching Devworm’s tutorial on making dialogue systems. This is how my code looks like for the npc



My problem now is that the timeline keeps playing even when im not remotely near the area2d when i press the “interact button,” my player has Player for it’s classname so I’m sure it’s not because of that so I’m unsure why it’s turned out like this.

Update: I added an “if player_in_area:” before the input, the problem now is that even when I DO enter the area2d, the timeline absolutely refuses to play :sweat_smile:


If anyone knows what’s up I would be really thankful for the answer :sweat_smile:

I’m also getting this error when it comes to my npcs (unsure if its related)

E 0:03:04:0405 emit_signalp: Error calling from signal ‘body_entered’ to callable: ‘Area2D(door_to_choice.gd)::_on_body_entered’: Cannot convert argument 1 from Object to Object.
<C++ Source> core/object/object.cpp:1200 @ emit_signalp()

Another problem is also that when i try to play other npc’s dialogue, the one at the very top of the all the npc hierarchy is the one to play instead of the other npc, i genuinely don’t know why even though it should theoretically work because it all has the same script altho it leads to different timelines

nvm idk how but i figured it out ASDADS

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