Best way of storing and loading a PackedFloat32Array on disk

Godot Version: 4.1.2-stable

Hi. I have a very long calculation on my project whose results are needed throughout the execution to improve hugely the performance of my game (for context: I need to store around 100,000 floats). The whole calculation can take some minutes, so it’s not an option to perform it during a loading screen.

However, I thought that, since I only need the results, which are always the same for every execution of the game, I could calculate them once and store them on some file/resource forever. During the execution, the scene would only load it and save the PackedFloat32Array on a variable.

Therefore, my question is: what’s the best way of storing such a big packed array on my project and loading it to a scene?


As @matheusmdx mentions, FileAccess.store_var works for the task, although I found FileAccess.store_buffer more useful, since it allows controlling the stored data byte by byte, saving memory a lot of memory for large arrays of types that can be easily translated into bytes (such as numbers, strings or even booleans).

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