Godot Version 4.2.1
I have a RayCast3D called InteractRay set up that detects interactable objects, in this case a weapon. When you press the interact key, my plan was to call the weapons_manager node script that handles everything weapon related and add it to the weapon stack. I’ve seen some suggestions of using signals for situations, but I don’t see any that would help in this situation. I’ve attached an image of the scene tree as well as the InteractRay and weapons_manager code below. Any help or suggestions is appreciated.
func _physics_process(delta):
InteractPrompt.text = ""
if is_colliding():
var Detected = get_collider()
if Detected is Interactable_Weapon:
InteractPrompt.text = "[E] Pick Up " + Detected.name
# if Input.is_action_pressed("interact"):
# Call Pick_Up_Weapon function in Weapons Manager
# pass along Detected variable
func Pick_Up_Weapon(body):
var Weapon_In_Stack = Weapon_Stack.find(body.weapon_name,0)
if Weapon_In_Stack == -1: # Pick Up Weapon
Weapon_Stack.insert(Weapon_Indicator,body.weapon_name) # Weapon_Indicator = 0
# Zero Out Ammo Resource
Weapon_List[body.weapon_name].Current_Ammo = body.current_ammo
# Update the weapon stack and run exit function to update current weapon
emit_signal("Update_Weapon_Stack", Weapon_Stack)