Godot Version
Godot 4.2
` Most likely a simple question for you guys but a horrible situation for me 5 days into Godot
I am trying to add a bow to the Player after colliding with it. I have 3 scripts that are relevant: player.gd, bow_pickup.gd and bow_hold.gd.
player.gd is responsible for, well, the player
bow_pickup.gd is currently only responsible for a queue_free() function to delete bow_pickup.tscn once the node is collided with
bow_hold.gd is responsible for the firing of arrow.gd and tracking the mouse’s global position in bow_hold.tscn
The main problem is that once I collide with the bow_pickup scene, I have no idea how to add the bow_hold scene to the player - mostly how to reference the scene to add it to the Player. Any help is greatly appreciated, and the deeper the explanation the better.
Thanks `